chapter 2, I found that selective inattention was very interesting. Selective inattention is a type of attention which involves focusing on a specific aspect of a scene while ignoring other aspects.Today in class my teacher had did this cool experiment with the class. She pulled up this video on YouTube; the video had everything to do with selective inattention. The video on YouTube was about intentional blindness. Inattentional blindness is when one fails to see visible objects when our attention is focused on something else. Even after my brother telling me about the YouTube video I still didn’t notice the big gorilla in the video. On page 69 in the exploring psychology (eighth edition) it talks about change blindness. Change blindness is a phenomenon in visual perception where apparently large changes within a visual scene are undetected by the viewer. This typically happens if you are visually interrupted; something could disappear, pop up, change colors, or even change clothing without us noticing. Learning about this
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