In this portfolio, every opinion from someone else is properly credited (whether it is a direct quotation enclosed in quotaton marks, a summary, or a paraphrase. when statin common knowledge, it is stated in my qwn words; i have not copied entire sentences or portions of sentences in the exact words of another person. this paper is my own work.
Melissa Dalton


 Name: Melissa Dalton

Topic: Anxiety Grade:  (0-100 points) 75

Date Presented: 2/18/2011
The amount of time I spent investigating/researching facts and information for my presentation is 24 Hours  

My sources were (interviews, personal experience, books, television, textbook, Internet, etc.)The book

I was well organized          yes    no

I made eye contact            yes     no

I adhered to the requirements of the assignment         yes     no

I applied psychological theories and principles           yes     no

I made sure my facts were correct                               yes      no

I included technology (PPT) or visual aids                 yes      no

I answered any questions asked by my peers               yes      no

Even though I stood before the class I feel I didn’t do as well because I fumbled though my presentation. So I gave myself a 75 because I did go in front of the class and I did do the work but I just didn’t present it right.